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Articles & Videos About Medicare Along With Information to Motivate and Inspire You
Medicare Part A & B Premiums and Deductibles for 2020
CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has released the 2020 Medicare Costs for Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. The Medicare Part A inpatient hospital deductible will increase to $1,408.00, an increase of $44.00 from the 2019 deductible. Unlike the...
Why You Need To Read Your Annual Notice of Change
As we approach the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) that runs from October 15 thru December 7, you are going to start receiving a ton of mail. Plans in your area, your current Medicare Advantage or your Medicare Prescription Drug plan and possibly mail from...
Original Medicare and Diabetes
This article explains the coverage of diabetic supplies and services that are covered under Original Medicare along with a Medicare Prescription Drug plan (Part D) Original Medicare is fee-for-service coverage. Medicare will usually pay the hospitals, doctors, and...
Should You Enroll in Medicare if You Are Still Working?
Like most answers that involve Medicare, it depends. The Basics Let us start with the Medicare basics. When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare. Upon turning 65, you have a seven-month window to enroll in Medicare that begins three months before you...
Medicare and Second Opinions
What is a second opinion? A second opinion is when you talk with a doctor other than your regular doctor to get another opinion on a particular health problem and their treatment options. When your doctor advises you that you have a health problem that requires...
Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles
CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has released the 2019 premiums for Medicare inpatient hospital (Part A) and physician and outpatient services (Part B). The Part A inpatient hospital deductible will increase to $1,364.00, an increase of $24.00 from the...
Check Your Medical Records for Errors
Recently I needed to see a specialist for a medical problem I was experiencing. After several visits, the problem was resolved and I am now good as new. After the first visit, the doctor’s office sent an invitation to create an account on their website where I would...
Veterans Day
A “Veteran” – whether active duty, discharged, retired or reserve – is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to, and including their life.
Medicare Coverage of Ambulance Services
Note The information in this article only applies to people with Original Medicare or people with Original Medicare along with a Medicare Supplement. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan or another type of plan, contact your plan provider. Medicare Part B Medicare...
How to Check the Status of Your New Medicare Card
There are three ways to check the status of your new Medicare card. Check out the map at the gov website to see if the mailings in your state have begun. Check your email. You will receive an email when the new Medicare cards start mailing in your state....
Finding a Doctor who accepts Medicare?
Are you looking for a doctor who accepts Medicare? If so you may want to use the Medicare Physician Compare tool as all physicians listed in Physician Compare take part in Medicare. There are three ways to research or select a doctor using the Medicare Physician...
New Medicare Card Same Medicare Benefits
I have been hearing inaccurate rumors about the new Medicare cards so here’s the real information. There will be no change in your Medicare benefits and there is no charge for your new Medicare card. Your new card will no longer have your Social Security number....
The Best Time to Buy a Medicare Supplement Policy (Medigap)
What is a Medicare Supplement plan? (also known as Medigap) Medicare Supplement Insurance plans are standardized plans that cover the gaps in Original Medicare. Medicare Supplement plans allow you to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare and to see...
Old People
I never really liked the term "Old People" but this makes me feel better about it. And if you ain't one, I bet ya know one! I got this from an "Old Personal friend of mine"! I'm passing this on as I did not want to be the only "old people" receiving it. Actually, it's...
Why Work With a Medicare Supplement Insurance Agent?
According to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, many seniors find the process of selecting a Medicare plan frustrating and confusing. Piecing together the pieces of the Medicare Puzzle can be a challenging experience. Here are a few reasons why you may...