Are you looking for a doctor who accepts Medicare? If so you may want to use the Medicare Physician Compare tool as all physicians listed in Physician Compare take part in Medicare. There are three ways to research or select a doctor using the Medicare Physician Compare tool.
- You can search by your location and the specialty of the physician.
- You can search for a specialist using the search by “Body Part” tool.
- You can also browse by specialty.
Below is a brief video from CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) which will demonstrate how to use the Medicare Physician Compare tool to help you make a decision when searching for a family physician or specialist in your area who accepts Medicare.
Medicare Explained in plain English
I help seniors confused by their Medicare options by explaining Medicare in plain English, saving them time and money.
Whether you are new to Medicare or you currently have a Medicare plan and want to know if you are paying too much, I am here to help.
I specialize in Medicare products for seniors and represent all Medicare Supplement Plan types.
Medicare Explained in Plain English
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