Medicare and Foreign Travel In most situations, Medicare won’t pay for health care or supplies you get outside the United States, which can pose problems when traveling. But your Medigap (Medicare Supplement) policy may offer additional coverage for emergency health care services or supplies you get outside the U.S.

Standard Medigap Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N provide foreign travel emergency health coverage when you travel outside the United States.

Plans E, H, I, and J are no longer for sale, but if you bought one before June 1, 2010, you might keep it. All of these plans also provide foreign travel emergency health coverage when you travel outside the U.S.

The coverage from your Medicare Supplement plan only applies to the first 60 days of foreign travel. There is a $250.00 deductible, then an 80/20 split, with the plan paying 80% and you pay the other 20%, up to a lifetime maximum of $50,000.

When planning extended travel (more than 60 days) or you are concerned about the $50,000 limit, you may want to consider a separate travel insurance policy.

For more information on Medicare coverages while abroad, see the following articles from the Medicare website.

Travel Outside the United States

Medigap (Medicare Supplement) and Travel

If you have questions or concerns, call (970-773-0220) or email me. (

Medicare explained in plain English